Monday 16 February 2015

The Premier League’s Top 10 'most loyal teammates' revealed

10. Frank Lampard and Petr Cech played 271 Premier League games together for Chelsea – Click the arrow to see which team-mates have played even more matches in the same shirt!

Two club legends that came to define Chelsea’s rise to prominence in the early-mid 2000s, fewer things can warm the heart of a Chelsea fan than seeing Frank Lampard and Petr Cech together on pitch.

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Loyalty is a rare thing in modern football, so much has the game changed – arguably for the better.
Nevertheless, fans will forever take pride in players who have devoted all or most of their careers to their side.
But who are the most loyal teammates?
We asked our friends at Opta for a list of teammates to have made the most top flight appearances together and they came up trumps.

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